Pre-Season Prep

Is your child planning to come out for the Comets this season? Great! You might be wondering what you should be doing now to help prepare your child for track and field season. The answer is very little. No off-season conditioning or prior experience is required. Our track club seeks to offer ALL kids an opportunity to experience track and field.

Our season starts in mid-April and the first few weeks of practice will mostly be easy running/drills so we can build each athlete’s athletic base before progressing to speed workouts later in the season. This approach reduces the likelihood of injury and helps build each athlete’s confidence.

As for gear…track and field is one of the few sports that doesn’t require spending large sums of money at a sporting goods store in advance of the season. No equipment purchases are necessary as our club provides all the needed equipment (shot puts, hurdles, javelins, starting blocks, etc). The only thing we ask is that each child has a good pair of running shoes if participating in a running event. There are several local running stores in the area that can help fit your child if you need assistance in selecting a pair of running shoes.

We can’t wait to see you this spring!

10 Tips to Prepare for a Track Meet

Preparing for a track meet requires discipline, focus, and dedication. Here are some tips to help you prepare for a successful track meet:

  1. Get enough rest: Rest is crucial for athletes to perform well. Get plenty of sleep the night before the meet to ensure that your body is well-rested and ready to perform at its best.
  2. Eat well: Proper nutrition and hydration are key to performing at your best. Eat a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and complex carbohydrates. Drink plenty of water and avoid sugary drinks.
  3. Warm-up: A proper warm-up is essential for preventing injury and preparing your body for the meet. Start with some light jogging, followed by dynamic stretching exercises, and then do some sprints or drills.
  4. Know the schedule: Make sure you know the schedule of events for the meet so that you can plan accordingly. This will help you avoid rushing and ensure that you have enough time to warm up and prepare for your events.
  5. Focus on your goals: Keep your mind focused on your goals and visualize yourself performing well. Stay positive and confident in your abilities.
  6. Listen to your body: If you feel tired or sore, take a break and rest. Pushing yourself too hard can lead to injury and prevent you from performing at your best.
  7. Stay hydrated: Make sure you drink enough water throughout the day. Staying hydrated is important for maintaining energy levels and avoiding cramps.
  8. Dress appropriately: Wear comfortable, lightweight clothing that is appropriate for the weather. Make sure your shoes are properly fitted and provide enough support.
  9. Stay relaxed: Try to stay relaxed and avoid getting too nervous before your events. Take deep breaths and focus on your breathing to calm your nerves.
  10. Cool-down: After your events, take some time to cool down with some light jogging and stretching exercises. This will help prevent soreness and injury.In summary, preparing for a track meet involves getting enough rest, eating well, warming up, staying focused, and listening to your body. With the right mindset and preparation, you can perform at your best and achieve your goals.

Looking for a fall sport? Try cross country.

The Comets season has come to an end for the summer, but many of our athletes will be joining the Brocaw Blazers for the fall cross country season.

Here’s what some of our team has to say about why they love cross country in the fall.

“I love Brocaw because I get the chance to hang out with my friends and coaches while doing a workout. Also, we get to a fun trip together each year to the National Cross Country meet. Cross country makes me a better runner because we do core and balances every practice to help us get stronger.”
~Haley, Age 13

“I love Brocaw because I love running! The team gives me an opportunity to do what I love with a fun group of kids that also love to run. It makes me a better runner because I’m able to train alongside some of the best runners in the country, on a team that is consistently among the best in the nation.”
~Eloise, Age 10

“Being a part of the Brocaw Blazers has been a great experience. Coach Ramsey is an awesome coach who really cares about all of his runners. I have not only made progress as a runner, but made a bunch of friends!”
~Jack, Age 14

It’s not just the athletes that like cross country. The Comets coaches support the Brocaw Blazers in a variety of ways and encourage runners to consider cross country as a good fall activity.

“Running cross country in the fall is a great way to develop a foundation of strength and endurance. Besides just being a fun experience, the fitness that is gained and the the skills that are developed during the cross country season can definitely help an athlete to approach their spring/summer track season with greater confidence and enthusiasm.”
~Chris Boos, Head Coach

“Running cross country is a great experience for any track and field athlete. It is going to push you in ways track hasn’t and make you an all around tougher runner. The aerobic boost you will get from cross country will definitely help you into track in the spring! Especially 400m and 800m specialist. In cross country, your teammates quickly become family as you all train and focus on the same race and goal. I highly encourage all athletes to at least try cross country for one season.”
~Ethan Ferrell, Assistant Coach – Sprints

This area cross country club attracts about 200 athletes metro wide and practices in three convenient locations. Practices begin August 29. Visit the Brocaw Blazers website for more information.

Comets 2021 Regional Recap Reel

The Comets headed to Bentonville for the AAU Region 16 Qualifier! They dared to dream. And had the “most fun they’ve ever had!” Enjoy the Regional Recap Reel!

Congrats to all the athletes for their performance in Arkansas! The Comets had over 30 athletes qualify for the AAU Junior Olympics!

Thank you to the Comet’s own rising director, Archer Brown, for editing this video. You make us look so good!

Stay fueled on race day

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Do you do the long-jump and run the 4x400m? Buckle up. Even if your events are somewhere in-between those, on competition day, you are in for a LONG day at the track! What should you eat to stay ready all day? It’s all about preparation and knowing your body. Take a look at the tips below for how to stay fueled to run your best at a track meet.

  1. Make sure to fuel the day before your meet! Stick to foods you are familiar with and think lots of healthy carbs, lean proteins and not a lot of fats. Stick with normal portion sizes. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water with and between each meal throughout the day.
  2. Day of the meet, eat a well balanced breakfast that your body is familiar with, is easy to digest and has whole foods. Include carbs, some lean proteins and healthy fats. Avoid overly sugary/simple carbs, your body will burn through those too quickly.

    -Toast, English muffin or bagel with peanut butter, glass of low fat milk, a banana and water
    -Eggs, toast and peanut butter, glass of low fat milk, berries and water
    -Low fat yogurt, not very sugary granola that has some nuts, banana, glass of juice and water
  3. Pack snacks! Everyone’s body is different, but be sure you are eating with plenty of time before your race for your body to digest, especially if you are running longer races. You should be eating something small every 2-3 hours at the meet, and within 60 minutes post race. Keep the snacks simple to digest and portions small.

    -Banana (the runner’s favorite fruit! Packed with potassium which will help ward off cramps.)
    -Bagel (yummy carbs!)-Gatorade (restores electrolytes you burned off while running)
    -Peanut butter & crackers (protein, good fats, and carbs!)
    -Berries, apples, oranges
  4. Pack water! It is essential that you stay hydrated at your track meet. Your body loses a significant amount of water being in the hot sun all day. Your performance can suffer even with small levels of dehydration. Don’t gorge all at once though, drink a small but steady amount of water throughout the day.
  5. Post meet. After pushing yourself, your body is like a sponge ready to absorb nutrients to help repair, rebuild and refuel your muscles. Focus on refueling with carbohydrates and lean proteins with a small amount of healthy fats.